Ten basic tips to lose weight eating and reaching the desired size

Foolproof food for weight loss

Food 'antiglicemicos'

Guidelines used by diabetics, based on the Index Glycemic (IG) and the load Glycemic (CG) achieve that healthy people thin and maintain the new weight. Your plus: are regimes that do not have contraindications to the majority of systems in vogue.

The world of diets is a territory filled with wars: who says a 'nutritional guru' quickly is bombarded by another. There are followers enthusiasts (usually for short time) and also disenchanted (for one longer time period). How to delete those pounds that they tend to remain immovable on waist, hips or thighs? According to the latest national health survey, 67 per cent of the population exceeds the normal weight.

Experts today look and recommended more and more a meal scheme oriented index (GI) Glycemic, previously only used with diabetics.

The IG is a ranking of foods indicating to what extent they can raise blood glucose and, as a result, raise the levels of insulin after eating them. For example, white bread has a high GI, which causes that the pancreas from a healthy person "send" insulin quickly to the blood to take advantage of those carbohydrates and converting them into energy. You have much insulin circulating, we follow hungry. It is very typical to say "I will eat half bread", and then follow with more. Not to mention the fries! What makes the body? Do you store carbohydrates? No: it increases their fat deposits.

Since 1981, when starts the IG concept with the studies of the Canadian doctor David Jenkins and his team (then deepened by Jeannie Brand-Miller of the u. of Sydney and by Thomas M.S. Wolever at the u. of Toronto), diabetics had a great contribution in its treatment: already not only mattered how many carbohydrates are ingested, but the quality of these. Thus they understood why mashed potatoes (from high GI) climbed them more quickly and to a greater extent blood glucose to a plate of lentils (of medium GI).

The concept migrated to other minutes as the Montignac diet or the Nutrisystem, which includes selling products in United States. Thus also came to web publications (www.glycemicindex.com was one of the pioneers) who managed to spread the system preferably in Anglo-Saxon Nations.

Here, the doctor of Harvard University and director of the Weight program for Life, David Ludwig, garnered fans from last year, when we visited twice invited by INTA to a seminar on the IG, and then returned as a lecturer at the Summit on nutrition and obesity prevention in the National Congress.

DOES THAT SUM AND SUM FANS? Clinical nutritionist for the University of Chile, Dawn Cooper Braun, Ludwig D. student during his post degree at the University of Harvard, explains that based on rates and load food Glycemic has been studied and produces changes that can be measured in each patient, with the improvement of different parameters, such as triglycerides, uric acid and high blood pressure, not only in people with diabetes or insulin resistance. If this type of food is mixed with a combination of proteins and fatty acids of good quality - such as the Omega 3 - more distribution and schedule of the food right, the result will be very good and in the long term.

To understand the process must start from a basic concept: the food contains calories and nutrients that are classified in hydrates of carbon (or carbohydrates or sugars), proteins and lipids, or fats, in addition to vitamins and minerals. 'Glycemic' dietary foods measured are those containing carbohydrates; i.e. sugars, starches and fibers raw (fruits, honey, potatoes, vegetables, etc.) and made (breads, biscuits, jams, noodles, cereals).

Vanessa Vega, nutritionist of the Integral program for overweight and obesity of the clínica Santa María, used this system and successfully in all patients with overweight. "The majority has insulin-resistance or high levels of insulin, which promotes the storage of fat in the body, especially in the abdomen." With this diet decreases that adiposity. And the main advantage: no need to remove carbohydrates, which include low IG with whole-grain products, all kinds of vegetables, fresh fruits and healthy fats and proteins as dairy and lean meats. It is a quite varied plan. Another measurement that we use complementary is the load Glycemic, CG, which relates to the amount of carbohydrates consumed. There are also exceptions: high GI foods, such as carrots, but that they are eaten in small quantities, therefore is unjust to prohibit them. Another example is the watermelon, also with high GI but if we consider that the portion is a Cup, the CG will be medium or low.

Dawn Cooper recommends the system, supported in its 35 years professional experience and specialization in Royal North Shore Hospital in Sydney, Australia: "The portions that are calculated in tables must be consumed." We must prevent higher food in IG, which generally are also of high CG, as white wheat bread, juices of fruit with sugar, cakes, cornflakes, white rice, potatoes and raisins. In the average CG find barley integral bread, bread, oatmeal, natural muesli, rice steam, bananas, noodles to the Dente. Chile does not sell rice bangladeshi, but would be nice they mattered it because it is less GI between all varieties. Foods that take precedence in this diet are the low IG, which generally are also low glycemic load: Greens, apples, whole rye in a small portion bread, legumes (lentils and soy beans are the best), pears, strawberries, skim milk, sugar-free yogurt. "It is important to cook pasta be it more to the dente possible and that fruits are eaten not ripe".

Australia and New Zealand the information of the IG is used since 2002 nutritional labelling and Dawn believes that "it would be great if implemented in Chile, since the amount of calorie counts, but the quality of them even more." "And it is essential to educate people." This would avoid the problem of fad diets.

"Many schemes work only in the short term", emphasizes Cooper. Because there is no real change of lifestyle or personalized advice so that they meet the requirements and real needs according to their age, physical condition, concomitant pathologies and economic and social reality. So they tend to rebound or cause more problems. For example, "the mathematical diet is dangerous for those with kidney disease and does not consider the quality of the food;" the Ketogenic is toxic to the body. And when someone, after consuming almost only protein and fat, eat normally climbing weight! ", adds."

-How has a good quality food?

-Is the freshest possible, hopefully raw, organic, with good fatty acids, with all their phytochemicals, total integral. Without additives or colouring synthetic, because you can use natural and known source. We also prefer pulses of low GI, quinoa, barley to make bread, outbreaks as the soybean or alfalfa seeds, such as Marvel, Sesame, pumpkin seeds, organic soy products, wild fruits and blackberries, murtilla, rosehip. In oils pressed cold or Extra Virgin of olive, avocado or canola should be preferred. And teas, to choose between green, red and white. To replace the coffee cocoa bitter with a little milk and sweetened with stevia can be used.

We must not forget that these changes are only a part of the plan: is essential to exercise at least 3 times a week and have each day three meals and two snacks, avoiding prolonged fasting. Once a week, a meal "sin" as named it Dawn and "permission" as Vanessa it qualifies. What does mean? That you can eat cake, drink a glass of wine or be carried away by any gastronomic pleasure: "friendly power plans achieved the best results".

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