Why Cellulite Appears

Why is cellulite?

If we decide to find out the factors that cause cellulite, probably find many different reasons. The websites generally give a bad information regarding this, considering several valid reasons such as poor circulation, fluid retention, special types of fats, etc.. when the truth is that it is not.

Really, there is no sole cause for cellulite. Suffering cellulite is actually related to different factors.

Cellulite is identical to any other type of fat does not appear due to fluid retention and poor circulation. Cellulite, scientifically, is simply fat protruding ordinary connective tissue that lies beneath the skin, hence their appearance resembling an orange peel.

Women have cellulite because most of the fat is stored at the bottom of the body where the skin is thinner. Men on the other hand, store most of the fat in the abdomen, wherein the skin area is thicker.

Hormonal changes greatly affect the appearance of cellulite, and usually appear in the stage of pregnancy or due to consumption of birth control pills. Hormonal changes can lead to tissue of the skin is broken and thus excess fat build up in these areas.

We can identify the following main causes of cellulite:

Poor feeding
Lack of exercise

These are the most frequent and the most important, but certainly not the only ones. And yet, there is a close correlation between all.

To solve your cellulite, you should change some bad habits as well as your diet. Eating the right way and accompany your diet with adequate exercise, allow your body tone and will reduce your cellulite forever!

If you are tired of losing money on scams and hide their cellulite, then it's time to transform your body skin and the dimples on a skin toned, smooth and sexy ...
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