5 Tips to lose weight with water

Losing water is perfectly possible, as it helps to eliminate retained fluids and also to keep the body functioning properly. Want to do some tricks? Then you just have to read these tips.

We know that drinking water is essential to a healthy diet, even if it seems a contradiction because the more water we drink, the less liquid will be retained in our body and the feeling of lightness in legs and abdomen is greater.

Drinking enough water daily is also important to eliminate toxins, cleanse the kidneys and maintain the proper functioning of the body, since all the reactions and processes of our body are given in aqueous medium.

We will see 5 simple tricks to easily reach the 2 liters of water daily:

Get used to drink a glass of water required to form each of the 5 meals a day (breakfast, mid morning, lunch, tea and dinner), then it will become a habit and do not involve any effort. In addition, you will facilitate digestion and preventing constipation to hydrate the fiber in the meals.
Between meals you can "decorate" your water with a squeeze of lemon and a ball if you want to sweeten saccharin. It is very refreshing and apetecerá you take.
Take an infusion of dessert after lunch or dinner. These are valid for any time of year as winter warm comforting if taken in summer, are a great fad if taken with crushed ice and mint leaves. Choose infusions that acidify the blood PH such as dandelion, burdock, nettle and green tea.
Between meals choose water-rich foods like fruits, juices or milk. Some of the summer fruits like watermelon are mostly water and help us properly hydrate.
Accompanies all your meals with a serving of vegetables and / or vegetables, either as a first course, as an accompaniment to a salad like preparation or as a garnish. They are also water-rich foods and minerals not only help us hydrate, but also to replenish lose substance in the urine and sweat.
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