How many calories a day is healthy weight loss?

Negative energy balance that burns fat

When losing weight you can carry forward different types of diets. Despite the widely varied diet is important to know how many calories a day are healthy to lose weight and achieve a negative energy balance to help you burn fat.
Not all diets are equal, not all react the same way body against these diets, it is suggested by individual and personalized diets controlled by a health professional.

In many cases only seem to matter the outcome, ie lose weight, but not all low calorie diets are unhealthy because they do not provide the amount of calories needed to meet the body's requirements. It is therefore important that you know how many calories a day are healthy to lose weight, get a negative energy balance and fat burning.

The amount of calories you need each day depends on different issues, your build, your height, your age, sex and physical activity that you do. Considering all these data sets, in the first instance, how many calories you need, and after that, how much you need to lose weight in a healthy way.

International organizations such as the World Health Organization (WHO) established recommendations: energy intake for men between 1900-2100 calories / day, while for women this contribution decreases, being an average calorific value between 1500-1700 calories per day .

From these normal caloric values ​​that the body needs to fulfill its functions, will suggest different ways of calculating the calories you need for energy balance is negative and can burn fat.

However, it considered that diets up to 1000 calories a day is healthy calorie diets, while the diets of less than 1000 calories are considered restrictive and unhealthy.

Consider this information will help you to know that diets will help you lose weight in a healthy and which could have adverse health effects.

Do not forget that in addition to the amount of calories you need to lose weight and make all your vital functions and activities; need to know that the diet should be harmonious, balanced and complete, ie it contains all the nutrients (sugars, proteins and fats) that the body needs. The balanced formula is suggested:

50% Carbohydrates
Proteins 20%
30% fat.
Remember, you can have a negative energy balance and weight loss in a healthy way, so it is important that you consider how many calories you should bring your diet.
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