Fast diet slimming green tea

Short diets are perfect for those who want to lose weight quickly. You can implement this proposal, which has green tea as the main ingredient.

Everyone knows that green tea is one of the best natural elements that exist when losing weight. It burns fat, helps to eliminate retained fluid (is a good diuretic), is antioxidant, and much more. For this very reason, it has become a more frequent allies diet. So you can even take it as a centerpiece on a diet soon, to attack, to shake off some kilos.

The idea of ​​this diet is to act quickly, so purifying, activating the metabolism, eliminating retained fluid and purifying the body quickly. For this reason, nothing better than having a good daily dose of green tea (one liter) and a power chord that accompanies either hypocaloric. Remember to eat without salt or reduced-sodium salt, as this will help you cleanse your body even faster.

This is a good model of what can be a quick diet green tea diet:

Breakfast: A green smoothie. A cup of green tea.
Food: Some light chicken recipe, always breast, fat in a healthy cooking method and accompanied by vegetables, preferably raw. A fruit for dessert. A cup of green tea one hour before or after meals.
Evening: A cup of green tea. A pear, apple or peach. A yogurt 0%.
Dinner: A light recipe with fish, preferably steamed and accompanied by a salad or cooked vegetable saludablmente. An hour after supper, a cup of green tea (or one hour before if you suffer from insomnia).
Make this rapid purifying diet and green tea for no more than five days. It is essential that accompany a rather high consumption of water (a half liter or more) and also do physical exercise. So you can take away some kilos deshincharte and off in a few days.
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