13 days to diet to lose pounds before spring

13 days to diet to lose pounds before spring

Reduce calories to lose weight

In just a few weeks will begin the spring and what better way to lose some extra pounds that you added during the winter. To this end, I invite you to to know how to be 13 days to diet and reduce calories to lose weight.

Spring is the season of the year that reminds you that soon the heat will be felt and you'll want to show off your thinner body, without so many extra pounds. To this end, I propose 13 days to diet.

If you want to wait for the slimmer spring you can do it in two different ways, through diets balanced Mediterranean diet, the 1500 calorie diet or the diet of 1200 calories.

On the other hand, you can also opt for a faster alternative, such as restrictive diets. Within which you can mention the 800 calorie diet, the diet of the artichoke or weekly quick diet.

If you make some of these diets and practice physical activity on a regular basis can lose pounds, but you have to keep in mind that if you take out a harmonic and balanced diet, you will lose weight more slowly, but with results more stable and durable over time. On the other hand if you choose to perform a strict diet, you could slimming more quickly, but less likely to hold this weight loss over time.

Beyond the diet you choose, it is important that you reduce the calories in your diet and to do this it is important that you follow certain tips, such as:

It eliminates flours and their derivative products, as for example all kinds of pastries and cookies among others.
Make juice or liquefied natural, containing vegetables and/or fruits in season, allowing you to cleanse and detoxify the body.
Consume meats without visible fat and cook to grill or griddle.
It incorporates fiber to your diet in the form of raw vegetables, raw fruits, vegetables, seeds and dried fruits.
Don't miss breakfast, even if the diet is strict.
It replaces certain foods, other foods or products light and low in calories, as for example dairy whole milk skim.
Remove the butter from the diet and replace it with oils.
It complements this diet with slimming teas, you can drink them instead of other beverages that add up calories, such as refreshments or commercial juices.
In addition to these suggestions, you can also take hold of another alternative of hypocaloric diet, as for example the 13 day diet.

After dieting for 13 days, you could lose weight between 2 to 5 kilos. It is important to have present that each person has an own metabolism, therefore weight loss may vary. While some people slim fast, others react slowly.

Keep in mind that beyond the pounds you lose, we need you to take conscience that much weight lose is not as important that you do it in a healthy way.

Remember that before you start a diet, you need to consult your doctor.
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