Cardamom, ally to lose weight

Cardamom, ally to lose weight

Cardamom is a plant whose origin is found in India and Sri Lanka, which is consumed by its tiny seeds with interesting properties and health benefits in general and even to help you lose weight and lose weight gradually.

Cardamom is a very aromatic spice, whose composition are called volatile oils terpineol, cineol, sabineneo, limonene and pinene are those who mostly give it all its properties. Such properties find a powerful stimulating, digestive, anti-colic, antacid, antihaemorrhoidal and antispasmodic.

But sticking to what we want, we can see that cardamom is one of the herbs recommended in the Dukan diet for consumption, thanks to its ability to help you lose weight more effectively. But at the same time, it offers protection from the effects of diet, as constipation, bloating or halitosis.

Cardamom can be eaten raw or infusion, at a rate of one teaspoon per cup of water. With this, you'll notice that your abdomen is so swollen and of course, you'll notice that your breath has an odor mild and pleasant. It is best to consume after meals, and also will help you make the most effective digestion and prevent heartburn and heaviness.

Many herbs are important allies of the Dukan diet, so it is advisable to use as it not only can help you lose weight, but also allow you to prevent certain complications that appear to carry them out.
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