Hailed light cinnamon

Hailed light cinnamon

Easy to prepare and very low in calories
Feel like an ice cream in the cold? Are you on a diet and want something sweet without having to walk grieving for the calories? Then let not ignore this light iced cinnamon.

The slushies are perfect for any time of year, beyond that generally do not invite too cold to eat this kind of preparations. But those who are dieting and want to eat something sweet and tasty, then you just have to follow the option to raise them below.

It is a light cinnamon granita, a mixture just right for any time of year. In winter, ice cream lovers can also enjoy hassle of this preparation, which is low in calories and perfect for anyone who likes this kind of preparations. There will be a dessert full of chocolate or anything like that, but it is a delicious alternative for those who are dieting.


A cup of skim milk 0% (vegetable milk can be used)
A cinnamon stick
A little grated lemon peel
No calorie sweetener to taste (stevia may be)

Place in a saucepan to boil skim milk with cinnamon stick and lemon peel. Let boil and turn off the heat. Remove the pan and set aside to cool to room temperature. Now, will touch preparation brew and sweeten to taste with the sweetener of your choice for the occasion.

Bring the mixture to a cold-safe bowl and place in the freezer or freezer. Every 15 minutes, half an hour, do not forget to go to the refrigerator and stir preparation. This, of course, is to take the classic granita texture. Otherwise, a block congelerá. Once you have it ready, but will not serve it and enjoy it, but not before a little sprinkle with additional cinnamon. It is a very light dessert, perfect for lovers of cool things, but rather light.
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