Will it help you lose weight fast?

Lose weight quickly can be counterproductive

Many people are obsessed with losing weight quickly. But is it really advisable to resort to tactics that are often counterproductive to do? Cynthia Rodriguez Caballero explains you in detail in this article.

When speaking of thin, this refers to a decrease in body volume that is given by a decrease in body fat reserves.

Fat is the only cause of overweight, so it is all we have to get rid. You can not lose sight of the destruction of reserve fat involves a long and complex process, until finally the fat is excreted or removed from your body as metabolites.

This process is slow in itself and, if you want a quick weight loss, you can only get it by getting rid of other items that are not fat and therefore, even if your weight down on the scale, do not pose a real slimming.

Why do you lose weight fast with some diets?

Destruction of muscle: When your body does not get the food it needs, it "eats" itself and starts using protein from your own muscles. Muscle weighs a lot and to destroy, lower weight on the scale will be appreciable, however the destruction of muscle is not a real weight loss will not be noticeable externally, not tapering silhouette.
Water loss: In some diets are abused diuretic foods or even force draining type products or pills. These reductions in weight are a mirage, while taking the diuretic will weigh a few ounces less and just leave it, the liquid return to normal levels. Normally not noticed physically, although it is noticeable drop on the scale. You can see less swelling in ankles and knees, but then fluid levels normalized.
Given this, we can conclude that rapid weight loss is not only dangerous but can not, because, you see, you're eliminating what causes overweight, but other tissues are removed that have nothing to do with our silhouette.

Losing muscle is dangerous and take diuretics?

Yes, losing muscle means a slower metabolism (which means that you will have increased tendency to gain weight), a reduction in hormones that makes the muscle and thus increased tiredness, apathy and physical and mental fatigue.

Occurs protein diets (for lack of carbohydrates to nourish vital organs), diets too rare, periods of fasting or purging, liquid diets ... In short, occurs when the body does not get all the nutrients you need.

Taking diuretics is something you should not do if you really do not need it. If you want to remove the liquid hold back, just follow a balanced diet, rich in potassium foods (fruits and vegetables), drink plenty of water and get some exercise. If you go to a diuretic run the risk of a drop of potassium, dehydration or gastric discomfort due to that the plants making mixtures in these preparations are usually quite strong. It is important to repeat that just off the diuretic fluids rise again, so it's not worth it to use.

Tips to avoid falling into these errors:

Always choose a healthy diet and complete, has no rebound effect and allows you to lose only fat that sags. The best example of a balanced diet.
When you start your diet not think about losing weight, but to eat better and make healthier habits, without realizing it you will see how your figure is cast each week.
Remember that fat is excreted slowly, is a fact.
Fat weighs very little (even occupy much volume) so you should evaluate your progress paying more attention to lower volume (which never deceives) and not only to lower weight on the scale.
Flee all techniques "rare" type diet fasts, "pineapple days", days to liquid or fruit, miracle diets, protein diets ... always will bring a negative consequence on health sometimes and always on your metabolism and thus, your tendency to gain weight.
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