Diet to speed up metabolism

Diet to speed up metabolism
Menu fast fat burning
If for some reason you need to lose weight, you can make a diet that contains a special menu that allows you to speed up metabolism and burn fat quickly.

Diet is one of the pillars so you can speed up your metabolism and burn fat quickly. If you choose the right foods can activate the metabolism and mobilize fat tissue, so that the different cells to get energy from fatty acids.

Yes you need to lose weight fast, this sample menu can help you achieve it.

Sample menu fast fat burning

Breakfast: 1 cup of yogurt with a tablespoon of oat bran and five almonds. An egg omelette.
Mid-morning: 1 fresh fruit.
Lunch: 1 cup of cold water. 1 serving of skinless chicken breast with. 1 serving of fresh vegetable salad tastes (add a teaspoon of spirulina algae powder). 1 fresh fruit.
Snack: 1 glass of smoothie tomato, celery and carrot.
Average afternoon: 1 slice of low fat cheese.
Dinner: 1 cup of cold water. 1 serving of grilled fish with roasted peppers. 1 serving gelatin light.
This menu can serve as an example to distribute foods that help you burn fat throughout the day. Importantly comma reduced portions, every 3 or 4 hours.

Water plays a special role in the diet to burn fat, as drinking water stimulates metabolism and burns fat adipose tissue faster.

While the consumption of foods rich in protein are essential to increase metabolism, you should also include in your diet foods with complex carbohydrates that help debug your body.

It is important that this diet with daily exercise complementes. In this way you will get more and better results to achieve your goal of losing weight.

Remember, this information does not replace medical consultation. So if you want to lose weight, see your doctor and / or nutritionist.

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