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Properties slimming green rooibos

Properties slimming green rooibos
The variant of the classic green Rooibos Decaffeinated
Rooibos has become quite fashionable. It has no caffeine and that's a great incentive for those who are hypertensive or do not like about this stimulating substance. Now is the time of green rooibos. You know its slimming?

If you are a person who is often in the world of teas or you like to try new drinks of this nature, you probably already know what it is rooibos. From this shrub produces an exquisite African infusion, in general, is quite similar to red tea, both in taste and properties. But the traditional rooibos not alone.

There is also the green rooibos. This variant can lead to immediate identification clear: the counterpart decaffeinated green tea. And here comes the question. Infusion is a softer, fresh fermentation process without much as in traditional rooibos. Of course, it can help you lose weight. For this reason, you just have to know about slimming properties.

These are the properties of green rooibos for weight loss:

Activates metabolism: green rooibos will help your liver to become active and work better, causing a positive impact on the metabolism therefore you burn fat more easily.
It is a great antioxidant: As is the case with green tea, rooibos that color also has a number of polyphenols that not only help overall health, but also supports weight loss.
It is diuretic and digestive: Without being laxative nor too much traffic accelerate urinary green rooibos consumption can help you debug your system, free it from toxins and also remove retained fluid.
How to prepare: In quite similar to green tea. That is, with the water about 80 degrees Celsius and about three minutes of rest before serving. So, you can enjoy a perfect green rooibos infusion. Still have not tried? What are you waiting for?

Diet to speed up metabolism

Diet to speed up metabolism
Menu fast fat burning
If for some reason you need to lose weight, you can make a diet that contains a special menu that allows you to speed up metabolism and burn fat quickly.

Diet is one of the pillars so you can speed up your metabolism and burn fat quickly. If you choose the right foods can activate the metabolism and mobilize fat tissue, so that the different cells to get energy from fatty acids.

Yes you need to lose weight fast, this sample menu can help you achieve it.

Sample menu fast fat burning

Breakfast: 1 cup of yogurt with a tablespoon of oat bran and five almonds. An egg omelette.
Mid-morning: 1 fresh fruit.
Lunch: 1 cup of cold water. 1 serving of skinless chicken breast with. 1 serving of fresh vegetable salad tastes (add a teaspoon of spirulina algae powder). 1 fresh fruit.
Snack: 1 glass of smoothie tomato, celery and carrot.
Average afternoon: 1 slice of low fat cheese.
Dinner: 1 cup of cold water. 1 serving of grilled fish with roasted peppers. 1 serving gelatin light.
This menu can serve as an example to distribute foods that help you burn fat throughout the day. Importantly comma reduced portions, every 3 or 4 hours.

Water plays a special role in the diet to burn fat, as drinking water stimulates metabolism and burns fat adipose tissue faster.

While the consumption of foods rich in protein are essential to increase metabolism, you should also include in your diet foods with complex carbohydrates that help debug your body.

It is important that this diet with daily exercise complementes. In this way you will get more and better results to achieve your goal of losing weight.

Remember, this information does not replace medical consultation. So if you want to lose weight, see your doctor and / or nutritionist.

Frozen protein to burn fat

Light dessert to lose weight fast
If you want to burn fat eating a tasty dessert but light can do, preparing yourself protein ice cream, great for burning fat and losing weight. Do not miss the recipe.

While the ice cream is an ideal preparation for the summer you can eat it in the other seasons, especially if it's an ice cream for weight loss because it has special features since it is a protein-rich dessert.

This dessert besides being light has features which will help you lose weight more quickly, such as burn fat. Why?, Because it is a high protein recipe, that when you consume promotes the use of fat reserves accumulated in your body.

Protein Ice Cream Recipe to burn fat


1 cup plain yogurt or light
1 tablespoon whey proteins.
¼ cup almond milk.
¼ cup walnuts.
1 tablespoon ground flaxseed.
2 teaspoons powdered sweetener.


Place all ingredients in a blender and process until well blended.
Once you have achieved the consistency is creamy, placed in a special container for making ice or in a covered container.
In the latter case, be sure to keep it in the freezer or freezer until the mixture solidifies.
This cream provides animal protein and vegetable and fiber and also gives you good quality fatty acids, which allows you to consume, even if your cholesterol is high. On the other hand, it is a recipe you can make even if you suffer from diabetes, as it contains no added sugar.

A protein preparation as this ice cream you can eat it as a dessert, or as a snack in a balanced diet or as part of a high protein diet.

Remember, if you accompany a diet rich in proteins with physical activity, fat burning occurs more rapidly. Despite this advantage of this type of diet, remember that it is desirable that you do for long, as they can have side effects on health.

How to lose weight with cold showers

Activation of brown fat to lose fat tissue

Has emerged a new technique to activate brown fat adipose tissue loss. This technique is based on the application of cold showers on the body. If you want to know how to lose weight in this way, do not miss this article.

Are known effects of cryotherapy slimming. This treatment leads to an inverse relationship between the decrease in temperature and an increase in fat burning. Today, based on this information, and has developed a technique that applies cold showers on the body weight causes a decrease.

While the mere thought of taking a shower in cold water, it freezes your blood, the reality is that this type of shower they are considered a technique to burn fat, improve circulation and prevent cellulite.

The cold activate brown fat, which in turn stimulate fat burning fat and localized fat in certain areas of the body, such as hips, thighs or legs.

In this type of shower is known as the contrast shower, combining the application of cold water with hot water. If you are interested in this alternative technique to lose fat, you need to have in mind some suggestions:

  • Remaining 20 seconds under cold water.
  • After that, switch to hot water and stay under it for 10 seconds.
  • Repeat this habit 10 times.
  • During the 5 minutes it takes this therapy, active you increase your metabolism and fat burning.

These showers alterantes hot and cold water have already been investigated, showing that showed therapeutic benefits, such as activation of the immune system, prevention of certain respiratory diseases, skin tones, among others.

Even, these showers Contrast showers alternating or part of the services they provide certain spas and beauty.

It is important that you consider this type of therapy may be effective, but only if you make a comprehensive treatment for weight loss, this comprehensive treatment should include diet, exercise and medical supervision.
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