How to lose weight with cold showers

Activation of brown fat to lose fat tissue

Has emerged a new technique to activate brown fat adipose tissue loss. This technique is based on the application of cold showers on the body. If you want to know how to lose weight in this way, do not miss this article.

Are known effects of cryotherapy slimming. This treatment leads to an inverse relationship between the decrease in temperature and an increase in fat burning. Today, based on this information, and has developed a technique that applies cold showers on the body weight causes a decrease.

While the mere thought of taking a shower in cold water, it freezes your blood, the reality is that this type of shower they are considered a technique to burn fat, improve circulation and prevent cellulite.

The cold activate brown fat, which in turn stimulate fat burning fat and localized fat in certain areas of the body, such as hips, thighs or legs.

In this type of shower is known as the contrast shower, combining the application of cold water with hot water. If you are interested in this alternative technique to lose fat, you need to have in mind some suggestions:

  • Remaining 20 seconds under cold water.
  • After that, switch to hot water and stay under it for 10 seconds.
  • Repeat this habit 10 times.
  • During the 5 minutes it takes this therapy, active you increase your metabolism and fat burning.

These showers alterantes hot and cold water have already been investigated, showing that showed therapeutic benefits, such as activation of the immune system, prevention of certain respiratory diseases, skin tones, among others.

Even, these showers Contrast showers alternating or part of the services they provide certain spas and beauty.

It is important that you consider this type of therapy may be effective, but only if you make a comprehensive treatment for weight loss, this comprehensive treatment should include diet, exercise and medical supervision.
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