4 reasons that make it difficult for us to lose weight

dietaj1 4 motivos que nos dificultan bajar de peso

Every time it is more common to find people suffering from obesity or overweight , but why is it so common? What are the reasons that make it difficult for us to lose weight?. Then we we tell them you.


Reason 1: Eat more outside the home

Usually our work keeps us quite some time away from home, forcing us to eat out and that makes us consuming many more calories than we should. For example, a burger made at home could take lettuce, tomato, cheese low fat, made meat grilled and a light sauce. If we compare this Burger with one out, see the outside has double or even triple the calories, and that excess must be burning it... A solution to this could be preparing food at home and bring it to work.

Reason 2: Too many sugary drinks

No doubt the consumption of sugary drinks has increased considerably, and is no longer only soft drinks, but also industrial juices that are loaded with sugar. You try to replace these drinks with natural juice or water, leaving the drinks only for special occasions.


Reason 3: Stress

Supposed to go running from one place to another without hardly having time to rest should fast us to lose weight, but it is not so, since stress causes our appetite to increase, we eat in a hurry and we consume more than necessary, not to mention the occasional pecking... Try to live a more relaxed life, devoting the time that you deserve to eat calmly to food and, if you'd like to Peck, opt for healthy as fruit or yogurt options.

Reason 4: Force of will

Impossible diets make our strength of will decrease, since ban us all what we like only leads to frustration and obsession, getting so late or early, fall into temptation. For this reason the best thing is to take a diet healthy and flexible, where permit Caprices but do not overdo.

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