8 reasons to exercise

We know that exercise is not one of our favorite activities, but we must always remember that with just 30 minutes a day of physical activity can reduce the risk of many diseases, lose weight if it is accompanied by a healthy and balanced diet and even improve our self-esteem. Today we give you 8 reasons to exercise.

1. It helps us to keep us in our ideal weight and even to lose weight if we follow a healthy diet, in which the consumption of fruits and vegetables is adequate and the consumption of foods high in calories, fat or sugar is limited.

2. You may seem contradictory, but after an exercise session you will feel more energetic, more active and more forcefully to deal with day-to-day tasks, is a good way to start the day.

3. The fact of knowing that we are doing something beneficial for our health and will also affect our physical, makes increase us self-esteem and be in a better mood, especially when they start to see results.

4. When we practice some physical activity our body releases endorphins, and they reduce the intensity of the pain that we are suffering.

5. Us relax and reduce stress effectively, what prevents us from passing through small depressions and what this entails (the pecking caused by stress is one of the major causes for the increase of weight).

6. To be more relaxed and have parked the stress aside will sleep better.

7. Help to prevent diseases, especially cardiovascular diseases.

8. And will also gain strength and flexibility in our muscles, getting a toned, strong and healthy body.

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