10 tips to lose fat

A few years ago, one of my friends he stepped on the scale and was appalled by the result. Somehow he had managed to win about 20 kilos of weight in his previously thin frame. When he looked in the mirror, he saw a fat boy. He decided to make a quick change. That day, he left his beloved soda. He was drinking two or three bottles a day, but in the course of six months, left those close to 20 kilos. It was a small change in your lifestyle, it wasn't much, really. And yet he had a huge impact on your health and your body. (Is not surprising: consume empty calories is one of 20 habits that make you gain fat.) Small decisions every day can result in big fat loss. 

 Following some simple weight-loss forms. It begins with one today and see how fats begin to disappear. Trust me, this is going to be easier than you think. 

 1. Have a purpose clear. It must be one that nobody in the world can measure and understand. 

 2 Drink tea. Research suggests that those who drink tea black, green or white, provided it is real or herbal tea have lower BMI and body fat than those who do not consume tea. 

 3 Eat cayenne pepper. A study published in the British Journal of Nutrition showed that, compared with placebo, capsaicin, the active ingredient in the cayenne, it increased fat burning. 

 4. Reduce or eliminate processed carbohydrates. They do nothing for you out of creating a favourable environment to gain fat. 

 5 Eat more vegetables. Fill, without adding many calories. Simply avoid high calorie dressings. 

 6 Eat more fruit. Never anyone has gained weight eating more fruit. And that includes the fruits called "high Glycemic Index" such as bananas and melons. 

 7 Lifting weights. Heavy weights. Build more muscle, burn more calories. 

 8. Reduce the time of rest between sets. This will keep your heart rate elevated, causing an increase in calories burned. 

 9. No intervals. Study after study after study continues to show intervals are more effective and time efficient than more activity carried out at one lower intensity. 

 10 Eating more protein. Replace carbohydrates refined in more amount of lean protein that will not only help satisfy you, will also increase your metabolism through the thermal effect of food.
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