Dance and Lose Weight!

If you are a person who is unable to continue an exercise routine during the week, or you just too lazy to go to the gym, or are not very consistent, we recommend one of the best ways to lose weight and lose weight while having fun, you eliminate the stress and improved coordination: DANCE!

Dancing is a very comprehensive exercise, and at the same time, can be practiced according to experts from the four years of age. Certainly, some types of dance require considerable effort to increase our energy expenditure helping you burn those extra kilos and keeping physically active. And all this while enjoying.

For every 30 minutes you devote to dance, you can burn around 130 calories. Dancing will improve your mood and give you will realize exercise without even notice. For the elderly, it is recommended to practice the tango or paso doble, and they are not as aerobics. But if you are still young, the best type of dance is a more "bumpy".

So you know, something as simple and as natural as the body follow the rhythm of the music can make you lose weight and stay in shape. What are you waiting?

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