The Sweet: Enemy of Your Diet

The sweet, is the biggest enemy of our health and, of course, from our diet. However, it is very difficult to resist a mouthful of cake or bakery products, or coffee with sugar, or that chocolate bar to "kill hunger".

Well if you want to lose weight and maintain the line, you should remove it completely from your diet. Sugar, has a very interesting effect on our brain: addictive. Seriously, sugar, sweet overall we produce addiction, which, we are inclined to consume more and more. On the other hand, foods high in sugar, make it releases insulin in large quantities and with it, the typical effect of raising and lowering of the body's energy.

Sweets, we provide an inexhaustible source of extra weight difficult to remove, because the liver eventually transform the excess sugar ends accumulated fat in our body.

However, we can not dispense with the glucose in our lives, but to minimize their consumption in order to maintain our health and weight within the proper limits. With this, we will be right and what is better, the other also.

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