5 easy vegetarian recipes

5 easy vegetarian recipes

5 foods to lose belly fiber
The plant foods are ideal for losing belly as they increase intestinal transit and have nutritional properties that allow you to lose weight faster. If you want to take advantage of all these advantages, I invite you to have on hand at least 5 vegetarian recipes and easy to prepare light meals.

According to some scientific studies, people who carry forward a vegetarian diet are less likely to be overweight, even have a lower BMI than those who eat animal foods.

If you consider you can take advantage of these benefits, including your diet foods rich in fiber help you lose the belly.

5 easy vegetarian recipes

1.-We start with soups or vegetable broths, which are ideal preparations to cleanse the body and suppress hunger. An example of this recipe is fat burning soup

2.-Besides soups, you can prepare other vegetarian recipes that you can eat as main dishes, such as vegetable pastel light.

3.-You can even choose recipes containing cereals and / or legumes such as low calorie recipes with rice. These plus all the fiber properties, we provide satiety.

4.-Can not forget the salads, which can become a main course, especially if you add sprouts or shoots, nuts or seeds. Examples of such preparations, you can find low calorie salad sprouts.

5.-If we talk about weight loss diet, you can not forget about the shakes, which are very useful as they provide high volume, low in calories and many nutrients that help you lose weight and reduce cardiovascular risk factors. Within the re liquefied liquefied vegan I can mention to purify the body.

These five recipes are just some examples of foods with fiber allowing you to lower the belly, deshincharte and lose some extra kilos. It is important to remember that these vegan meals should be included in a diet to lose weight. It is no use to consume some of these preparations, if it comes after too much, or eat foods that are not allowed.

Remember that for a diet to succeed you, among other things, follow the guidelines of a diet to lose weight, and if you add to this diet exercise, the results will be even better.
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