The dangers of orthorexia

The dangers of orthorexia

An eating disorder ever increasing
Orthorexia is one of several eating disorders that exist. In this case, it is the obsession with eating a healthy, without GMOs and that sort of thing, which can lead to a deficiency of essential substances in the body.

Learn more about its dangers.

The power is shifting, there have been genetically modified, GM, ecological. The offer is very extensive. But, too much information is not always clear enough, or this information is not properly verified and causes some people prefer a diet that may be more harmful than healthy, even to develop serious illnesses like anorexia and bulimia.

Orthorexia is an eating behavior disorder that involves healthy food obsession. Sufferers, a diet intended dispenses meat, fats, food grown with chemicals and artificial substances that can harm the body. Sufferers are so demanding that they blame when they do not comply and are punishable with diets and fasts even more rigorous.

May cause nutritional deficiencies. The person ortoréxica not replace foods that rejects others who can provide you with the same supplements. This becomes anemia, vitamin deficiencies or trace elements and lack of energy.

The term comes from Greek orthos orthorexia (just, righteous) and Exia (craving), which translated appetite can be defined as fair or right.

The World Health Organization (WHO) indicates that orthorexia affects today, 28 percent of the population of Western countries and its prevalence could rise quickly and that modern society tends to extremes and persons or pamper or do not care anything and will self-destruct with food that causes obesity.

People who suffer only care about what they eat, food is the center of his ideology and his life. Caring goes so far as to take care of the cooking containers, so you end up making a ritual meal. In extreme cases these people do not eat outside the home, or with friends, for apprehension that contaminate their food with a product unfit for consumption and are able to go without food if they are unsure of what they will eat. His obsession with eating healthy and goes beyond even care about how their food preparation.

"We all care about eating healthy, normal behavior but when that happens to become an obsession involving health hazards and is classified as a orthorexia".

Orthorexia, people suffer very strict, controlled and demanding with themselves and with others. Her personality is unyielding, all or nothing. Women, adolescents and those who play sports like bodybuilding and athletics are more sensitive to the nutritional value of food and its outcome on body image.

They are fundamental in both prevention and early diagnosis, and the sooner it is diagnosed, the better the prognosis.

Also be reformed eating habits, making the diet is complete, balanced and distributed during the day. Food should be administered according to what a person eats regularly, increasing the variety and quantity as tolerated and evolution, so their motivation and willingness to accept dietary guidelines are essential. The introduction of food should be done gradually initially rejected.
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