Balanced diet: How to prepare yourself

How to lose weight eating healthy

A balanced diet, may not have quick results you intend. However, that anxiety will not win, because the important thing is to know how to lose weight by eating healthy and it is important that you know how to prepare yourself balanced diet.

The goal of losing not just be losing the extra kilos you have, but to help you, through food, not to gain weight.

Also, if you design yourself and prepare your balanced diet, learn to change habits that also take care of your overall health. It is therefore very important that you learn how to lose weight eating healthy.

To achieve this, and design your balanced diet without too many complications, you can consider a nutrition guide very easy to use, designed by the Department of Agriculture of the United States, known as the My Plate. While this guide is designed to perform a regular balanced diet, you can take it into account diet. How?

If you follow the tips and advice in this guide, your diet will change both in quality and quantity, and if you add to this physical activity and other lifestyle changes such as quitting smoking and excessive drinking. The chances of you losing weight slowly but effectively increase.

My plate as a reference suggests you make a dish. Which divide into 4 parts:

Grains or cereals (30% of the size of the dish)
Plant, 30% of the size of dish.
Fruits, 20% of the plate.
Protein, 20% of the dish.
At this rate we must add a glass of milk or yogurt or light. As well as reducing the amount of salt and sugar (which you can replace with stevia or sucralose).

Even Harvard University suggested modifying slightly this guide, adding the consumption of healthy oils like canola or olive. On the other hand, suggests the consumption of water, tea and fruit juices, free of added sugar.

Obesity can be fought in different ways, but learning to design your Mass your own balanced diet, not only help you lose weight, but to fight against the complications of overweight, such as diabetes, atherosclerosis and hypertension, among others.

Balanced diets for weight loss are not the most popular, but if the healthiest. What do you think?
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