The fish in the diet helps you lose weight

The fish in the diet helps you lose weight

Food reducing obesity complications
To lose weight in a healthy way is necessary to make a balanced diet, and for that you need to add meat to your menu. A is selected from the fish meat. This not only provides nutrients that help you lose weight, but it is a food that reduces complications of obesity.

Obesity is a disease that, with the passage of time can cause health complications such as metabolic problems (cholesterol and triglycerides or hyperglycemia), and cardiovascular disease. So if you want to and need to lose weight is important when choosing certain foods you consider properties that can help you not only lose weight, but to protect your health. In this case the choice of meats, the best choice is fish.

While there is a great variety of fish, in general these provide a bit fewer calories and a lower percentage of fat than red meats.

It is important to note that although there is not much difference between the amount of calories and fat produced, the difference lies in the quality of fat that contributes. While beef and white meat provide greater levels of saturated fat and cholesterol, fish gives you greater amount of unsaturated fatty acids, such as omega-3 fatty acid.

The best way to take advantage of the virtues of the fish is cooking it on the grill and / or griddle, and it does not add additional fat.

If you eat fish but also eat other foods high in sugars and fats, this will not make you lose weight, but if a food is healthy for you to include in the diet you're doing. Even specialized agencies suggest fish consumption between 2-3 times a week, replacing the red meat (which can consume, but less frequently and selecting those cuts with no visible fat).

When losing weight is not just count calories, but also the quality of food and nutrients you bring to your body. In this way lose weight and will reduce the chances of complications from obesity.

Remember that if you are overweight, diet and physical activity are essential to lose.
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