What is the truth about detox diets?

What is the truth about detox diets?

Detox diets, or detoxification, are those intended to eliminate toxins from our body and thus achieve significant weight loss. Such diets are very popular today, in fact, are widely used by Hollywood celebrities (many seem funcionarles) and of course, there are many books on this type of diet to lose weight.

However, despite its popularity and its obvious effects in some people who use them, some nutrition experts say that is not scientifically proven that detox diets work. In fact, they say that there is no basis in human biology stating that the human body needs some help to clean the inside, because we have bodies dedicated to that purpose.

However, for information, it is possible that the increase in the burden of toxins, could delay the detoxification of the body by these organs could be saturated.

What is a detox diet?

Basically, a detox diet is one that uses any natural remedy to clean toxic chemicals that have accumulated in the body and reaching it by contaminants in processed foods or the environment increasingly polluted. Thus, the body clean of excess toxins that would work properly and regularize our metabolism, promoting weight loss.

There are many types of detox diets. Most use fasting as a means of cleansing the body, or a hypocaloric diet along with certain natural supplements (herbs, enemas and colon cleanses) to promote the expulsion of toxins.

Although medicine convencial warns that this is not just a new way of selling products to people who want to lose weight, the truth is that diseases like diabetes or fatty liver, is caused by a malfunction of internal organs affected by poor feeding organs found in a toxic state.

In fact, any doctor who detects a fatty liver, the first thing we advise is to change the diet and nutrition ... to the affected organ regains its natural state ...

So really, the use of detox diets, designed to prevent these adverse effects due to excessive toxins in our body, may not be as useless as they want us to believe.

How does a detox diet?

Basically, weight loss by following these diets is caused by the fact that they are very low calorie diets. No doubt diets are very fast indeed, but with a high probability of regaining weight by a rebound effect. The body, in its desire to adapt to a decrease in food intake, which will try to accumulate as fat can to preserve their energy reserves.

For example, a diet Beyoncéusó maple syrup, lemon juice and cayenne that made him lose about 20 kilos quickly. However, he regained the lost weight soon after, as was evident especially when left the regime.

So, the question is whether it is worth making a detox diet or not. That we will treat later. Read

Dangers of detox diets

As much as we want to lose weight quickly, we have to keep in mind that although these diets are effective, they can also be dangerous. The main side effects include lack of energy, lowered blood glucose, muscle aches, fatigue, dizziness, dizziness and nausea. Furthermore, if we consider that prolonged fasting can lead to serious health problems and that the use of enemas can disrupt the balance of fluids and electrolytes in our body ... then there are more dangers than benefits. Do not you think?

Healthy Diet

If you want to lose weight or lose weight using a healthy diet while detoxifying, you can use organic foods, less contaminated than processed, avoid bakery products, eat good fats (no trans fat), drinking herbal teas and slimming effects why not a herbal supplement that helps maintain one hundred percent cleaning functions of our own internal organs.

Recommended for a detox diet is not dangerous, would eat vegetables, lemon, green tea, broccoli, sesame, cabbage, foods rich in fiber, fruits, butter, coconut oil, organic meat, free-range eggs and at least tried everything possible . All this combined with gentle exercise routine daily if possible.
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