There is no fat with healthy benefits of olive oil. Helps control cholesterol and atherosclerosis, prevents oxidation of the cells, helps to prevent blood pressure, is useful in the treatment and prevention of some types of diabetes and can help to protect the body against certain types of cancer.


The oil of olive, in confluence with the Mediterranean diet, is also associated with lower mortality from cardiovascular causes and latest research focuses, above all, on the advantages that provide the unique components of olive oil.


When we buy a bottle only showing palara it 'Olive oil', are buying refined olive oil, to which added you a bit of Virgin to give it taste.

By refining Virgin olive oil are lost all the components that make it unique from any other type of oil. Components that cannot be added artificially.

For this reason you should consume oil olive and without mixing with other types of fat. You should make sure that the word "Virgin" appear clearly on the label.

Remember: Other types of vegetable oils, although marketed enriched with other substances, are very far from achieving the natural composition of the Virgin olive oil

Versus other fats against cholesterol Virgin olive oil

Foods rich in monounsaturated fats, whose main and classic representative is Virgin olive oil, are more helpful than other vegetable oils. This assumes that use Virgin olive oil in the kitchen and at the table is more healthy to prevent atherosclerosis and cholesterol cook or season foods with sunflower oil or prepare breakfast with crackers, toast or cereal containing vegetable fats and/or animals.

There are three basic reasons

The habitual consumption of olive oil is able to cause a decrease in LDL cholesterol, the fraction of harmful cholesterol, without that lower cholesterol HDL, the protective fraction of arteriosclerosis. In this way, olive oil will interfere with the accumulation of cholesterol in the artery walls and enhance the beneficial actions of HDL, among which is the function of transport of cholesterol excess from the walls of the arteries to the liver, where it will later be metabolized and eliminated, encouraging, therefore, its withdrawal from the Agency.

Fats that most elevate LDL cholesterol are the saturated, abundant in dairy products, meats, in derivatives and in vegetable oils of tropical origin, such as Palm and coconut. These vegetable oils of tropical origin are often used in the preparation of industrial foods of wide consumption by populations children and youth. The importance of saturated fats, raise LDL cholesterol, is so great that its prejudicial effect is worse, even, than the consumption of foods high in cholesterol.

Oil sunflower or corn that are polyunsaturated fats, they are capable of lowering cholesterol LDL, the bad fraction of cholesterol, but as a disadvantage, also decreases HDL cholesterol.
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